BOE news

The Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District Board of Education has an open seat due to the resignation of a board member. The school board has chosen to appoint a new board member to complete the term until the next regular School District election on May 20, 2025.

Therefore, the school board is requesting interested parties to notify Christina Amorese, HF-L District Clerk, at To be considered for this board seat, applicants must be a resident of the school district and at least 18 or older. The Board of Education will be accepting these self-nominations through February 14, 2025.

The Board requests that your note to the District Clerk indicates why you feel that you would be a good choice to fill the position. Parties interested in filling this position will be asked to attend and be interviewed by the HF-L Board of Education on a date to be decided.

For more information on what is expected of school board members and other legal requirements visit the Board of Education page found on the District website at or the Monroe County School Boards Association website at