boe news fallback

Qualified residents of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District will vote on next year’s school budget along with other items on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the High School, in the Board of Education room located on the Church Street entrance.

The budget proposition would authorize the appropriation of $57,224,420 to meet the estimated school district expenditures for the 2022-23 school year. This represents an increase of 3.13% compared to the 2021-22 adopted budget. This would result in a tax levy increase of 1.98%. This tax increase does not exceed the New York State Tax Cap.

Voters will also elect three members to the Board of Education. There are five candidates and their names will appear on the ballot in the following order: Stephanie Templeton, Jessica Kelly, Mariann Hughes, Joel Robinson, and David Francis. The District newsletter will be posted soon with more biographical information regarding each candidate.

There will also be two additional propositions on the ballot.

Proposition #2 authorizes the District to purchase up to six (6) vehicles for student transportation (school buses). This cost is included within the school budget and may not exceed $730,000, which is the cost estimated for the purchase of these six vehicles.

Proposition #3 authorizes the Board of Education to establish a Building Capital Reserve Fund (2022) for the purpose of financing construction and reconstruction of the schools and other buildings of the District as approved by the voters of the District. The ultimate amount of such fund shall be $9,900,000 which could be used over the next ten years to address future renovations and repairs.

A capital reserve fund allows the District to set aside money for future construction projects and major purchases, much like a savings account. The fund cannot be established without voter approval AND reserve funds cannot be spent without voter approval. The establishment of this fund does not increase taxes. The fund only accrues a balance if there is an excess of money at the end of the district’s fiscal year. The state limits the amount of funds school districts may keep in a reserve or savings account. Capital reserve funds are one of the few state allowable funds that allow school districts to plan for long term expenses.

For more information about the 2022-23 budget, visit